Monarch Butterfly earrings


Have you ever wondered why we use butterflies in jewelry? and it's not only because they are pretty, there are other reasons why butterflies are part of our jewelry collections. A totem is a natural object, animal, or insect, that holds a special meaning. Many cultures, both native and ancient, have used the energy and symbolism of the natural world as totems to guide and teach. The Chinese zodiac, for instance, is based on animal signs. Although they symbolize different things to different cultures. Universally, butterflies represent change and transformation. Butterflies are insects that begin their lives in one form and end it in another. A butterfly starts as a crawling creature, then it hibernates in a cocoon, only to rejoin the world as a flying insect.

The butterfly is a symbol of transformation, they are capable of evolving from being an ugly caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. The message the butterfly brings depends on its color. A black one indicates bad news or illness, a brown butterfly brings important news, a yellow one brings hope and guidance, an orange one means creativity, a red one signifies an important event, a blue one means good fortune and a white one signifies good luck. The butterfly is also believed to be a messenger from the spirit world. When a butterfly lands on your shoulder it is supposed to bring you comfort. According to Native American legends and myths of some tribes, the Native Americans also use the characteristics of animals to learn virtues of strength, patience, cleverness, and much more.

Some of the meanings of butterflies are associated with the Law of attraction. Many of us already know or heard about it. If not I recommend doing some research. You won't regret it. LOA states that the universe always wants the best for you. The big trick to connecting butterfly meaning with LOA is all about transition and potential. The butterfly's process of transforming itself is an elegant metaphor for how we humans can transition too. It's also a beautiful example of how, with patience and faith, LOA can transform our lives. That's the cool thing about LOA. It only takes a few manifestations to get us on a roll. Once on a roll, LOA will do the rest.

 Beaded butetrfly cord bracelets

However, keep in mind that the law of attraction ALWAYS works, so keep yourself away from holding on to negative thoughts. We must live and learn. And like butterflies, we must adapt and let the transformation process turn us into something better. We're all doing the best we can. The Law of attraction responds to your conscious knowing. Forgive yourself, move forward with new wisdom, and let the Law of Attraction help you transform into the amazing butterfly you are!


Thank you for reading!





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